Asked interview questions

Business Analyst behavioral Interview questions and answers

Job interviewBehavioral interviews are growing in popularity. Corporations like behavioral interviews because they give them a glimpse of how the applicant will handle the issues they will face in the position. Interviewers like behavioral interviews because it gives them a glimpse of the applicant’s personality and character.

Behavioral interview questions are some of the hardest questions to answer. You must think back to your work experience and come up with specific times you exhibited the behavior. Then you must describe how you handled the situation, and that answer must be one that impresses your interviewer.

Preparation is Vital for Behavioral Interviews

Without preparation, these job interviews are prone to mistakes. Recall can be difficult when put on the spot, especially during an interview. If you do not remember specific examples of when you encountered these situations, you may struggle. Common mistakes at behavioral interviews include:

  • Overusing “um” or pausing frequently.
  • Telling stories unrelated to the question.
  • Trying to make up a story that is false.
  • Casting yourself in a negative light.
  • Reflecting poorly on your professional relationships.

These are always at risk during these types of interviews if you do not prepare. It is hard to remember your experiences quickly if you have not thought of them in years but if you practice sample behavioral interview questions the time you spend will allow you to refresh your memory and answer the questions confidently.

What to Do if You Have No Answer

Behavioral questions assume you have experienced the situation the question refers to. You may not have an experience to provide. It is important that you do not try to make one up. Your interviewer will have enough experience evaluating applicants that they will easily be able to catch you in a lie. Instead, explain to the employer that you have not experienced the situation and describe what you would do if the issue occurred.

What to Do if the Answer is Not Flattering

Sometimes you will have an answer that does not reflect well on your candidacy. It may be a good idea to feign amnesia and act as though you have not had the experience before. It may also be useful to tell the interviewer what you would have done differently. An answer for a difficult question may be “Well, at the time I did this, but soon after I realized that the ideal way to handle it would be that.” Minimize the negatives and put more focus on how you would have handled the situation. Good answers will show the employer that you are willing to learn from your mistakes.

Sample Behavioral Interview Questions

Q: Describe a Situation Where You Disagreed With a Supervisor.

A: Standard interview tips and techniques still apply. Do not speak negatively about any supervisors, coworkers or former jobs. It is acceptable to share a specific situation that occurred with a former boss, but do not go into detail about the disagreement. Focus instead on what you did to help the supervisor see your point of view.

You may be asked a follow up question, such as “Did they ultimately see your point of view?” Be honest. Did they follow your advice or didn’t they? The answer is not as important as the presentation. Do not sound bitter in your response if they did not. “They did see my point of view. They chose a different path, but they understood my concerns and beliefs in the end.”

Q: Describe a Time Where You Needed to Present Complex Information in a Simplified Way.

A: This question is common for customer service, sales, marketing, management and IT jobs. Provide specific, job related examples. Did you create any documents? Did you practice its presentation? Did you run it by another employee? Remember to discuss all of the methods you used to simplify the information.

Q: Describe a Time You Had to Adapt Your Style.

A: Questions about your ability to change your mind will be very common during behavioral interviews. The employer is going to be testing your decision making skills. They also are seeing if you are rigid in your beliefs. Share a time during your past employment where you needed to change your mind or adjust a process. No employer wants someone that is rigid in their beliefs.

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