QA technical interview questions and answers
So you’ve got a QA Interview coming up, huh? Congratulations! Since you’re reading this post, I’m going to bet that you’re doing all the pre-interview prep: researching the company, getting your outfit dry-cleaned, and coming up with interview question answers. Great. We’ve got 10 popular QA interview questions and answers below to help you prepare.
There’s no way to know if these questions will be asked of course, but we’ve found that many QA Managers use at least one of these as their opening questions, testing your know-how before they launch into the more difficult ones.
1. Compare a test plan to a test case. What does each include?
The test plan is a document that describes a project’s testing plans. It includes everything from the testing scope, to approach and resources, as well as the schedule.
The test case gets more specific than a test plan. It describes, step-by-step, how to test the application. This document includes test steps, prerequisites, outputs, and test environment.
2. What is a software development life cycle?
The software development life cycle, also known as the SDLC, describes the process through which software is developed. There are slight differences in what different organizations call these specific steps, but they all start with development and end with application maintenance. The most popularly accepted steps are: requirement phase, the design phase, the coding phase, the testing phase, release, and maintenance.
3. What is positive testing? Negative testing? Compare the two.
When you test an application with the correct data, ensuring that everything works as it should with expected user behavior, you are performing a positive test. For example, if a password only allows numbers, you would only put numbers into this field with a positive test. If everything works as it should, your program has passed this particular positive test.
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