Institute of Psychometric Coaching
With Pharmacy employers utilising Psychometric tests in determining who to hire more and more, potential employees need to understand what these tests are measuring, and what employers are looking for.
"When people talk about psychometric tests, they sometimes mean questionnaires, " says Mark Parkinson, a business psychologist. "A test is something with a right or wrong answer, which might be used to measure numeracy or literacy, for example, while a questionnaire would be used to find out about someone's personality." Employers may use one or both of these in the recruitment process.
The questionnaire is supposed to discover what kind of person you are in ways that you wouldn't necessarily admit to in an interview, with questions designed to expose how you behave and what motivates you. A good test will be set up to pick up on any inconsistencies and make it difficult for you to put on an act - there is a built-in "lie scale".
Heidi Dariz, General Manager at Raven's Recruitment, says that psychometric tests can be beneficial, if they are used as part of an overall process - with the results used in conjunction with behavioural interviews, reference checks and aptitude testing.
"You can't actually 'ace' a psychometric test - the employer is using it to see what your strengths and weaknesses are, and how they match up with the job requirements, " says Cary Cooper, professor of organisational psychology and health at Lancaster University.
"The main thing that candidates should know is it gives you a level playing field and a chance to show what you're really good at, and somebody's subjective judgement is not coming into play. Candidates should see organisations which use testing as a better class of employer because they're allowing better judgement and a fairer process."
As with all recruitment methods, Heidi Dariz says, "psych testing is not fail-safe, it is important that testing results are used correctly and interpreted properly" but if used well, psychometric testing can help find the best fit for a company. They can determine whether the person has the right leadership qualities, is forward thinking and a team player. And they can also display characteristics which might not be helpful, such as individualistic tendencies which might not suit a company's culture.
Tips to prepare for psychometric testing:
* Find a quiet place
* Think quickly, the best response is the first response
* Do not second-guess yourself
* Do not start a test tired
* Be honest
* Find out what attributes best suit the company, because the questions may be tailored towards its values
* Look at different psych testing online, such as those offered by the Institute of Psychometric Coaching
* Take a calculator if it is a numerical aptitude test, read widely if it's a verbal test
* Don't try and interpret test results, ask for feedback
One of the biggest challenges for pharmacy owners is staffing and getting it right.
If you have gone to all the effort of securing a new staff member for your business, you want to make sure that you are not just getting the best from them, but also that they are being fulfilled in their role and that expectations are being met on both sides of the equation.
The most responsible tool for pharmacy owners to use for this is a Performance Review. A Performance Review should be all of the following:
* Conducted as a priority (at the end of the probation period and then annually at a minimum)
* Clear and concise - questions from both parties pertaining to expectations
* Action Points to be addressed and followed up on
* By allowing a person the opportunity to lift their performance, you will potentially retain a loyal employee for many years to come
* The reality is they might be oblivious to their shortfalls and will appreciate the constructive feedback provided
It works the other way also, they may provide you, as the employer, with feedback to help improve your business and to help make you an Employer of Choice within the industry. Give your people a chance to shine, and the results could be outstanding!
Debbie Capuano - Recruitment Consultant
Debbie has been with Raven's for 15 years and looks after permanent recruitment for Queensland, the Northern Territory and Western Australia - call Debbie on 1800 429 829, or email debbie@ravensrecruitment.com.au for your recruitment or career needs.
It could be bad news for students who have spent too many hours focusing solely on their academic results, with a leading employer, PricewaterhouseCoopers, removing candidates' academic results from the final stages of law-graduate recruitment. To get a graduate job at PricewaterhouseCoopers candidates had to jump through many of the usual hoops including online personality questionnaires, a video interview and group activities.
But at the final stage, the firm hid the candidates test scores and academic transcripts from interviewers to remove any unconscious bias.
PricewaterhouseCoopers legal partner Tim Blue said, "blacking out academic transcripts at the final stage of the interview process helped the firm get a better mix of candidates with diverse skills".
Heidi Dariz, General Manager at Ravens Recruitment says that the process has merit and reflects more broadly the emphasis on picking great all-rounders. "Businesses are learning and pharmacy is leading the way in understanding that academic results are only one element in the selection process. Pharmacy is a people business; it's about building enduring relationships with customers that can span decades and respected relationships with fellow workers that ultimately form the basis of a successful career."
Ever wondered whether LinkedIn was a growing force in recruitment and talent identification? Well there is no doubt that the some of the biggest employers are embracing LinkedIn to hire talent. In fact, currently 76 of the top 100 ASX listed companies are actively using LinkedIn to source the best talent. Heidi Dariz, General Manager at Raven's Recruitment, says that whilst Pharmacy professionals can sometimes be slow to embrace technology change, Pharmacists are doing themselves an injustice if they are not looking at all ways to grow their professional brand. "You never really know when opportunity is going to knock - whether that be from an internal promotion, an external or partnership approach or a new professional development opportunity. Having an up-to-date profile picture is necessary, as is a comprehensive summary of experience and skills".
A recent report by LinkedIn found that in mainstream recruitment, 7 in 10 people are considering moving roles, but might not be actively looking for a job at the moment. The report also found that 69% of Australian professionals were currently passive and interested in hearing from a recruiter, even if they were satisfied with their current role. When sourcing the best candidates for our clients Heidi says that we use all available sources to ensure the best possible match. LinkedIn is an important social networking site and an important resource in Pharmacy Recruitment and should be part of any progressive Pharmacists strategy to stay one step ahead in an increasingly competitive employment market.