Graphic design job interview questions
Roberto Blake examines the advantages and disadvantages of a digital and a print portfolio for a designer—and how you should present each one.
How do you make your graphic designer portfolio stand out from the other applicants? Check out these tips on what to include in your design portfolio.
A normal job interview is stressful enough. Now imagine pitching yourself to several art directors, marketing managers and graphic designers in a panel interview setting. Nervous? According to a survey by The Creative Group, a majority of executives (86 percent) said one-on-one interviews are the most effective. But panel interviews ranked second – ahead...
Illustrator Eric Nyffeler has been creating vibrant and joy-filled gig posters since 2009. Explore his work and his design philosophy.
Presenting your portfolio is about more than the work it holds; how you talk about it is what makes the difference. Learn some tips from hiring managers and career gurus about ways to present your design portfolio with panache.
Learn how to land your next job by understanding the perspective of your interviewer. Armed with these six profiles of typical hiring managers, you’ll ace your next interview. User experience has become a red-hot design topic and for a good reason: You have to understand what makes people tick in order to develop seamless...
Are graphic design portfolios the new online resume? Check out these tips and examples for great portfolio design.
The Creative Group explores 5 common interview mistakes designers make.
The online design resume is one of the most intimidating things new job seekers have to deal as they begin their careers. Creating an online design resume requires different skills and considerations than traditional print resumes. Furthermore, most people in a position to give a new job seeker advice about resumes haven’t competed in the job...
As HOW’s online editor, I’m heavily invested in the latest developments in the design world—and, of course, great portfolio design. So imagine my excitement when I first heard about the new Kredo app, known widely as “the world’s first retina-quality portfolio network.” Designed for the iPad by Format.com co-founders Tyler Rooney and Lukas Dryja...